Sewings and Goings; Love of History, Historic and Vintage Fashion

Sewings and Goings; Love of History, Historic and Vintage Fashion

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Civil War teens dress.. a few cdv's for choices..

I decided to put a post of some photos (from TheSewingAcademy),cdv's and photos of original teen's dresses that I have in mind to start putting together a pattern to make one... hopefully by summer (keeping fingers crossed), and I don't know which ones to chose from! I do have a few others, but they'll need taken of and I'll put on here! The one I have sketched because it's so pretty and might be it! Colors and patterns have varied from pictures and I have a brown with white very small polka dot print that would just be the cutest on probably not a boat neck bodice but one that comes up to neck and the sleeve just is about a 1/4 down with "V" shaped zigzagged pieces laying under it, pieced with little beads at end of these "v" points, and a possible chemise sleeve under it, not sure. In the photograph it is a large plaid silk print, and maybe I should alter the pattern to make it suited to the polka dot print, not sure. I just wanted to see who might have to say about what dress,etc.! Anyways, if anyone has any suggestions or opinions, do feel free to put that in! Thanks! Sam